Impact stories are short inspiring videos showcasing the impact of BIA activities across Europe.
Reaching pupils on remote islands
Impact story about the implementation of BIA program on remote islands and in areas affected by earthquake where infrastructure is insufficient.
Individual educational needs - Opava
Impact story about the use of BIA curriculum for the work with students having individual educational needs (i.e. on the autism spectrum).
Variety of the BIA curriculum - Brno
Impact story which showcases the multitude of the BIA curriculum’s applications.
Children with migration experience
Impact story about the use of BIA curriculum with children who experienced migration.
Impact story about the use of Be Internet Awesome curriculum in early education with the aim to empower the youngest kids with universal attitudes and values that are needed both online and offline.
Working with children who were forced to leave Ukraine due to the war
An impact story about the implementation of the Be Internet Awesome program at Gravitas Schola in Vilnius, whose students fled from their homeland due to the war in Ukraine. Through the program, the children learn to use the Internet responsibly and safely, name their emotions and communicate online in a kind way.
Courage and individual educational needs
Impact story about what it means to be brave and how the BIA can help develop bravery in children with individual educational needs.
Kindness with preschoolers
Impact story about Zofia Wojnowska, trainer in the Be Internet Awesome program and the director of the Self-governing Preschool in Grabownica Starzeńska who discovers the fascinating world of the Internet with preschoolers.
Individual needs and the Roma community
Impact story about the use of BIA curriculum in the case of students having individual educational needs and within the Roma community.
Empowering Roma Communities for Digital Safety
Impact story highlighting how ZŠ Muráň implements the Be Internet Awesome program to enhance digital safety and literacy among students from Roma communities.
Self-esteem in children with individual educational needs
Impact story on developing self-confidence and self-esteem in children with individual educational needs (i.e. intellectual disabilities) through BIA activities.
Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek, aby zapewnić Ci najlepszą możliwą obsługę. Informacje o ciasteczkach są przechowywane w przeglądarce i wykonują funkcje takie jak rozpoznawanie Cię po powrocie na naszą stronę internetową i pomaganie naszemu zespołowi w zrozumieniu, które sekcje witryny są dla Ciebie najbardziej interesujące i przydatne.
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