Children with Chronic Illnesses and ICT
Chronic illness during childhood is a challenging experience with potentially a detrimental impact on the child and the family. Chronic medical conditions in children have been significantly associated with an increased risk of learning difficulties, lower academic achievement and student engagement, increased school absenteeism not explained by health reasons alone and early school termination independent of socioeconomic status.
Children and Young People (CYP) with chronic conditions are also more likely to report poor psychosocial and quality of life outcomes including emotional vulnerability and mental health challenges, disempowerment and loss of independence and control over their lives, social isolation and a diminished sense of school belonging.
Advances in medical knowledge and technology have increased life expectancy and contributed to improving the functional abilities of children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions. This has shifted the professional focus from treating the illness to providing holistic care and helping the child maintain quality of life and participation in the usual childhood activities where CYP with medical needs may be at risk of exclusion.

The Role of the Internet: Risks and Opportunities
The Internet can play an important role in the holistic support of CYP with medical needs by promoting continuity in education, psychosocial wellbeing and active engagement in their health management.
- Restoring social connectedness as soon as possible.
- Bringing CYP together as part of on-line paediatric communities.
- Promoting active engagement and school inclusion.
- Preparing adequately for video-conferencing.
- Coordinating learning between the hospital-school and the main-school.
- Teacher training on ICT and mobile technologies.
- Using technology creatively.
- Developing web-content.
- Promoting on-line safety.
- Dealing with cyberbullying.
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Full manual - Be Internet Awesome For All
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