Children with Visual Impairments and ICT

Statistics for 2020 show that about 49.1 million people worldwide were blind, 221.4 million had a moderate visual impairment, and 33.6 million people had a severe form of it. Thus, it is fairly likely that there will be individual students with visual impairment in a school classroom, or that an entire class consists of students who are blind or visually impaired. 

Statistics for 2020 show that more than 300 mln people world-wide had visual impairments. Thus, 1 child in a 25-person class on average.

Students with Visual Impairments and the Internet

Websites, social media and smartphone apps have become ubiquitous and are widely used by people of all age groups. Current digital media are primarily visual: they contain images, animations or movies (videos). This makes it more difficult for visually impaired students to fully function on the Internet, and as a result, they may be excluded from their immediate environment, such as their peers. 


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